Hardy, C., Messier, C., Boulanger, Y., Cyr, D., and E. Filotas (2023). Land sparing and sharing patterns in forestry: exploring even-aged and uneven-aged management at the landscape scale. Landscape Ecology. doi : 10.1007/s10980-023-01742-7
Hardy, C, Messier, C, Valeria, O, and E. Filotas (2023). A LANDIS-II extension for simulating forest road networks. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 53 (7):503-518. doi: 10.1139/cjfr-2022-0306
Rademacher, T., Cliche, M., Bouchard, É., Kurokawa, S., Rapp, J., Deslauriers, A., Messier, C., Rossi,S., Dupras, J., Filotas, É, and S. Delagrange. (2023). TAMM review: On the importance of tap and treecharacteristics in maple sugaring. Forest Ecology and Management. 535: 120896. doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2023.120896
Bouchard, M, Aquilué, N, Filotas, E, Boucher, J, and M.-A. Parisien (2022). Forecasting wildfire-induced declines in potential forest harvest levels across Quebec. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. doi: 10.1139/cjfr-2022-0186
Loreau, M, Barbier, M, Filotas, E, Gravel, D, Isbell, F, Miller, S, Montoya, J, Wang, S, Aussenac, R, Germain, R, Thompson, P, Gonzalez, A, and L. Dee. (2021). Biodiversity as insurance: from concept to measurement and application. Biological Reviews, 96: 2333–2354. doi: 10.1111/brv.12756
Lévesque, A, Bélanger, N, Poder, T, Filotas, E, and J. Dupras. (2020). From white to green gold: Digging into the public expectations and preferences for ecological restoration of asbestos mines in southeastern Quebec, Canada. The extractive Industries and Society, 7: 1411-1423.
Gonzalez, A, Germain, R, Srivastava, S, Filotas, E, Dee, L, Gravel, D, Thompson, P, Isbell, F, Wang, S, Kéfi, S, Montoya, J, Zelnik, Y. and M. Loreau. (2020). Scaling‐up biodiversity‐ecosystem functioning research. Ecology Letters, 23: 757–776. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.13456
Aquilué, N, Filotas, E, Craven D, Fortin, M-J, Brotons, L. and C. Messier. (2020). Evaluating forest resilience to global threats using functional response traits and network properties. Ecological Applications. 10.1002/eap.2095
Mayrand, P, Filotas, E, Wittische, J, and P. James. (2019). The role of dispersal, selection, and timing of sampling on the false discovery rate of loci under selection during geographic range expansion. Genome: 1-13.
Correia, LPD, Bouchard, M, Filotas, E, and F. Raulier. (2019). Disentangling the effect of drought on stand mortality and productivity in northern temperate and boreal forests. Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 758-768.
Correia, LPD, Raulier, F, Bouchard, M, and E. Filotas. (2018). Response diversity, functional redundancy and post-logging productivity in northern temperate and boreal forests. Ecological Applications 28(5): 1282-1291.
Nenzen, H, Filotas, E, Peres-Neto, P, and D. Gravel. (2017). Epidemiological landscape models reproduce cyclic insect outbreaks. Ecological Complexity. 31: 78-87.
Carpentier, S, Filotas, E, Handa T, and C. Messier. (2017). Trade-Offs Between Timber Production, Carbon Stocking and Habitat Quality When Managing Woodlots for Multiple Ecosystem Services. Environmental Conservation. 44: 14-23.
Correia, LPD, Raulier, F, Filotas, E, and M. Bouchard. (2017). Stand height and cover type complement forest age structure as a biodiversity indicator in boreal and northern temperate forest management. Ecological indicators. 72:288-296.
Messier, C, Puettmann, K, Filotas, E, and KD. Coates. (2016). Dealing with non-linearity and uncertainty in forest management. Current Forestry Reports. 2: 150-161.
Craven*, D, Filotas*, E, Angers, VA, and C. Messier. (2016). Evaluating resilience of tree communities in fragmented landscapes: linking local impacts of functional response diversity with habitat connectivity. Diversity & Distributions. 22:505-518. * Both authors contributed equally to this work.
Tittler, R, Filotas, E, Kroese, J, and C. Messier. (2015). Maximizing conservation and production values with intensive forest management: it’s all about location.Environmental Management – Special issue: Reconciling environment and production in managed ecosystems: is ecological intensification a solution? 56(5): 1104-1117.
Messier, C, Puettmann, K, Chazdon, R, Andersson, KP, Angers, VA, Brotons, L, Filotas, E, Tittler, R, Parrott, L, and SA Levin. (2015). From Management to Stewardship: Viewing Forests As Complex Adaptive Systems in an Uncertain World. Conservation Letters. 8(5): 368-377.
Filotas E, Parrott L, Burton P, Chazdon R, Coates KD, Coll L, Haeussler S, Martin, K, Nocentini S, Puettmann K, Putz F, Simard S, and C Messier. (2014). Viewing Forests through the Lens of Complex Systems Science. Ecosphere. 5(1): 1-23.
Filotas E, Grant M, Parrott L, and PA. Rikvold. (2010). Positive interactions and the emergence of community structure in metacommunities. Journal of theoretical Biology. 266: 419-429.
Filotas E, Grant M, Parrott L, and PA. Rikvold. (2010). The effect of positive interactions on community structure in a multi-species metacommunity model along an environmental gradient. Ecological Modelling. 221: 885-894.
Chisholm R, Filotas E. (2009). Critical slowing down as an indicator of transitions in two-species model. Journal of theoretical biology. 257: 142-149.
Filotas E, Grant M, Parrott L, and PA. Rikvold. (2008). Community-driven dispersal in an individual-based predator-prey model. Ecological Complexity. 5: 238-251.
Burgess, CP, Filotas, E, Klein, M, and F. Quevedo. (2003) Low-energy brane-world effective actions and partial supersymmetry breaking. Journal of High Energy Physics, 7(10):1003-1029.
Burgess, CP, Cline, JM, Filotas, E, Matias, J, and GD. Moore. (2002) Loop-generated bounds on changes to the graviton dispersion relation. Journal of High Energy Physics, 6(3):1033-1066.
Atwood, D, Burgess, CP, Filotas, E, Leblond, F, London, D, and I. Maksymyk. (2001) Supersymmetric large extra dimensions are small and/or numerous. Physical Review D, 63(2):025007.
Filotas, E, Witté. I, Aquilué, N, Bricombe, C, Drapeau, P, Keeton, W.S, Kneeshaw, D, Messier, C, and M.J. Fortin. Network framework for forest ecology and management, in Miguel Montoro, Hubert Morin, Sylvie Gauthier and Yves Bergeron, eds. Boreal forests in the face of climate change. Springer. Advances in Global Change Research series. ISBN 978-3-031-15987-9.
Pappas, C, Bélanger, N, Bergeron, Y, Blarquez, O, Chen, HYH, Comeau, PG, De Grandpré, L, Delagrange, S, DesRochers, A, Diochon, A, D’Orangeville, L, Drapeau, P, Duchesne, L, Filotas, E, Gennaretti, F, Houle, D, Lafleur, B, Langor, D, Lebel-Desrosiers, S, Lorenzetti, F, Man, R, Messier, C, Girona, MM, Nock, C, Thomas, BR, Work, T. and D Kneeshaw (2022). Smartforests Canada: A Network of Monitoring Plots for Forest Management Under
Environmental Change, in Tognetti, Roberto Smith, Melanie Panzacchi, Pietro, eds. Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Regions : 521-543. Cham: Springer. ISBN 978-3-030-
Messier, C, Carpentier, S, Angers, V, Tittler, R, St-Denis, A, Handa, T, Filotas, E, and A. Paquette. 2015. La véritable valeur des arbres et bois urbains et péri-urbains, in Revéret J-P, Dupras J, eds. L’économie de la biodiversité et des services produits par les écosystèmes: Un regard sur les concepts, outils et sur l’état de l’avancement de la recherche au Québec. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec.
Tittler, R, Filotas, E, and C. Messier. 2015. La répartition spatiale des plantations et aires d’aménagement intensif dans la forêt boréale mixte afin de maximiser les bénéfices sociaux, économiques et environnementaux, Rapport final. Programme de financement de la recherche et développement en aménagement forestier, MFFP.
Tittler, R, Filotas, E, and C. Messier. 2014. La répartition spatiale des plantations et aires d’aménagement intensif dans la forêt boréale mixte afin de maximiser les bénéfices sociaux, économiques et environnementaux, Rapport mi-parcours. Programme de financement de la recherche et développement en aménagement forestier, MFFP.
Craven, D, Angers, V, Filotas, E, Tittler, R, Desrochers, M, James, P, and C. Messier. 2013. L’aménagement écosystémique des forêts privées du Centre‐du‐Québec dans le contexte des changements globaux. Prepared for Agence forestière des Bois-Francs.
Filotas, E. 2009. Structure et dynamique des communautés multi-espèces : le rôle de l’espace. Université de Montréal.
Filotas, E. 2002. Partial supersymmetry breaking in brane-world scenarios. McGill University.