If you want to join our team, here is a new postdoc opportunity!


Rindra Ranaivomanana
PhD candidate in Environmental Sciences at l’UQAM (2022 – )
Co-supervised with Mathieu Bouchard (U. Laval)
Project: Optimizing spruce budworm suppression activities.

Rowena Ligalig
PhD candidate in Environmental Sciences at l’UQAM (2022 – )
Co-supervised with DominicCyr (ECCC)
Projet: Carbon dynamics in boreal mixedwood forests

Dr. Quim Canelles Trabal
Postdoctoral Researcher at TELUQ (2022 – )
Co-supervised with Mathieu Bouchard (U. Laval)
Project: Novel management approaches to reduce the effects of spruce budworm epidemics across Quebec’s forests in the context of climate change.

Pierce McNie
PhD candidate in Environmental Sciences at UQAM (2017 – )
Co-supervised with Dan Knewshaw (UQAM)
Project: Metacommunity dynamics of the spruce budworm and its parasitoids in novel habitats

Clément Hardy
PhD Candidate in Biology at UQAM (2017 – )
Co-supervised by Christian Messier (UQAM/UQO)
Project: Long-term and large-scale effects of uneven aged management strategies on ecological services in the forests of Quebec.

Former team members

Caroline Gagné, PhD Biologie 2022. UQAM
Supervised avec Christian Messier (UQAM/UQO) et Frederick Doyon (UQO)
Thesis: Analyse spatiotemporelle d’un territoire agroforestier : quand les conditions paysagères du passé et du présent s’unissent pour influencer les communuatés forestières.

Núria Aquilué Junyent, Postdoctoral Researcher at TELUQ & UQAM (2020 – 2022).
Co-supervised with Mathieu Bouchard (MFFP and U. Laval)
Project: Modelling the long-term impact of fire and spruce budworm epidemics across Quebec’s forests in the context of climate change.

Siddhartha Khare
Postdoctoral researcher at McGill U (2020 – 2021 ).
Co-supervised with Andrew Gonzalez (McGill)
Project: Impact of humans on the scaling of the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship.

David Laginha Pinto Correia, PhD Forest Sciences 2018, U. Laval
Supervised with Frédéric Raulier (U. Laval) and Mathieu Bouchard (Direction de la recherche forestière, Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs)
Thesis: Potential of using tree fonctional diversity for the sustainable management of northen temperate and boreal forests.

Paul Mayrand, MSc Biology 2017, U. Montréal
Supervised with Patrick James (U. Montréal)
Thesis: Influence of dispersal capacity, time and selection force on the identification of adaptive genes during a range expansion.

Rebecca Tittler, Postdoctoral researcher (2015-2016)
Supervised with Christian Messier (UQAM/UQO)
‎Projects: Forest management for multiple ecological services; Landscape-scale impacts of partial cutting on ecological services.

Sophie Carpentier, MSc Biology 2015, UQAM
Supervised with Christian Messier (UQAM/UQO) and Tanya Handa (UQAM)
Thesis: Ecological services and forest management: towards a new approach for private woodlots in southern Quebec

Undergraduate assistants

Jessyca Guénette, Biology at U. Montréal (2019-20)
Karine Boulay, Environmental sciences at TELUQ (2018-19)
Benjamin Leduc
, Aerospatial engineering at Polytechnique (2018)
Olivier Vincent
, Electrical engineering at Polytechnique (2017)
Anie Paré-Rivard, Ecology at Sherbrooke U. (2017)
Evan Chmilar,
Math-Physics at McGill U. (2016)
Thomas Davignon, Math-Physics at U. Montréal (2013 and 2015)
Roger-Michaël Deschênes, Mathematics at U. Montréal (2015)
Jasmin Kroese, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at McGill U. (2014)